High Holy Days 5785 Registration

Art by member Miranda Cohen

Your gift at the High Holy Days allows us to build our beloved community and enables us to continue to offer our imaginative programming free and open to our extended networks. Your financial gift also speaks volumes about the importance of Hinenu to your life and your values. We exist as a community through the support of our members.

We recognize that not all of our community members can contribute financially; we know that they give time, energy, love, music, reading, poems, and countless other, unique, invaluable parts of themselves that make Hinenu, well, Hinenu. Our dedication to financial accessibility ensures that there are no monetary barriers to participation in our community.

בִּמְהֵרָה בְיָמֵינוּ הִיא תְּבִיאֵנו אֶל מֵי הַיְשׁוּעָה 

Bimhera vyameinu hi taveinu el mei hayeshuah

Soon, and in our time, she will bring us to the waters of redemption

- From R' Leila Gal Berner's “Miriam HaNeviah” 

We open our 5785 High Holy Day season with overflowing prayers for redemption. We pray in the words of the Prophet Amos that "justice well up like water, righteousness like an unfailing stream" (Amos 5:24). We pray for healing and liberation to flow in our homes, in our most intimate relationships, in our communities, in this country, in Israel and Palestine, around the world. 

We hope you'll join us with your broken heart, your questions, your joys, and your wishes for the year ahead.

Expect services led by our members and rabbi from Selichot through Simchat Torah, outdoor activities throughout the season, text study and learning opportunities. 

Services will be hybrid--in person at Homewood, and on Zoom. Masking is required at all times indoors during services. Explore our website for more information about accessibility at Hinenu.

Please note that there will be room for 200 people at Homewood. Please register now to avoid any issue!

If you have any questions about registration, please contact info@hinenubaltimore.org.

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If you are interested in becoming a member of Hinenu, after you submit this form you are warmly invited to fill out membership registration! This form will register you for the High Holy Days, but is not membership registration (a FAQ!)
Contact information

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Services and Events

Locations at Homewood Friends unless otherwise specified

The schedule for the 5785 High Holy Days is:

September 28, 7:30pm Leil Selichot 

October 2, 6:15pm Leil Rosh HaShanah (Wednesday)

October 3, Rosh HaShanah I (Thursday)

---9:30am Shacharit

---4pm Tashlich at Lake Roland Fishing Pier

October 4, 10am Rosh HaShanah II (Friday)

---10-12:30pm Workshops

---12:30pm-2pm Lunch

October 11, 6:00 PM Kol Nidre (Friday)

October 12, Yom Kippur (Saturday)

---9:00am Yom Kippur Shacharit

---1:30am Yizkor

---3-5pm Workshops
---5pm Mincha

---6:00pm Neilah

---7:15pm Yom Kippur breakfast potluck

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Youth programming

Children are welcome in any and all services, sounds and all!

Youth programming will be provided for ages 5 and up:
October 2, 6-8pm Leil Rosh HaShanah

October 3, 10-1pm Rosh HaShanah I

October 11, 5:45-8:30pm Kol Nidre

October 12, 10-2:30pm Yom Kippur Shacharit

Children should particularly attend the Neilah service at 6pm on October 12 for our special glowstick havdalah.

Beit Hinenu Youth programming will be provided for children age 5 and up.
If you would be interested in co-op babysitting for children under 5 years old, provided by parents, please indicate below.

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COVID norms

To attend services in person, Hinenu requires:

MASKING N95 or KN95 mask at all times for everyone over 2 years of age. Masks available if you forget!

VACCINES Full vaccination for all who are able. Please upload your vaccine card the first time you register.

STAYING HOME IF YOU'RE EXPERIENCING SYMPTOMS Staying home if you are experiencing symptoms as an act of community care. Stay home if you have any systemic or respiratory symptoms, even if you are confident it is "just a cold" or "allergies" and even if you test negative on a rapid antigen test. Additionally, do not gather in person if you have had a close exposure (prolonged indoor or household contact) within the last 5 days. 

Windows will be open with fans blowing. There is not an air purifications system due to the large size of the room, as assessed by Homewood's team. Air purifiers run in classrooms and the dining room.

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Our High Holy Days services will be online and in-person at Homewood Friends. Homewood is accessible by ramp at the front of the building, and there is an ADA compliant bathroom on the main floor. There is a (newly replaced) elevator to move between floors. A sensory break tent will be located on the 2nd floor. The meeting room is not air conditioned. Windows will be open and fans will be working hard, but dress for warmth and bring a water bottle.

Online CART captioning will be provided. ASL will be available by request by 9/12, please contact info@hinenubaltimore.org. With any other access requests, email info@hinenubaltimore.org and we will do our best to accommodate your request. 

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High Holy Days happen at Hinenu because of your support of time and treasure. Roles include greeting, ushing, as well as setup and cleanup. Volunteering is a great way to get connected to Hinenu, and ensure that we have smooth and welcoming services. Click here to sign up for your slot/s!
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We offer a suggested donation of $75 per adult and $35 per child, inclusive of participation in all High Holy Day services and programming.

Please contribute as you are able; no one will be turned away for lack of funds. In order to present the best hybrid services possible, the costs of software and hardware, staff, printing, and accessibility support for 5784 are necessary expenses.

We invite those who can afford to do so to contribute generously; your financial donations, whether the base cost or a higher donation, will sustain us and be an investment in expanding our programming and keeping our community’s doors open to all in the years ahead. 

We look forward to seeing you!



Art by member Miranda Cohen

Your gift at the High Holy Days allows us to build our beloved community and enables us to continue to offer our imaginative programming free and open to our extended networks. Your financial gift also speaks volumes about the importance of Hinenu to your life and your values. We exist as a community through the support of our members.

We recognize that not all of our community members can contribute financially; we know that they give time, energy, love, music, reading, poems, and countless other, unique, invaluable parts of themselves that make Hinenu, well, Hinenu. Our dedication to financial accessibility ensures that there are no monetary barriers to participation in our community.