5783 Learning Opportunities
Tot Shabbat: Abell Open Space (301 E 32nd St) / Every Shabbat / 9-11am
Families with Tots (0-5ish y/o) gather on Shabbat mornings each week to build Jewish community together! Once a month we enjoy a Tot Shabbat service. On other weeks, we take turns offering our different family traditions to the group by bringing a snack, activity, game, book, discussion topic, etc. so that families can raise their children Jewishly together, in community. Many families stay to picnic together afterward. (Consistant attendance is not expected! But the option is available to you every week.)
Tot Program tuition: $150-300/family
Beit Hinenu on Shabbat: Homewood + Wyman Park Dell / twice monthly / 9:30-11:30am
Beit Hinenu is launching Shabbat school for our elementary school aged students (K-5th grade)! Our students learn about and participate in elements of Shabbat morning practices and davening (praying). Students begin building spiritual muscle memory toward becoming full participants in our Hinenu and Jewish community. Each session includes 45 minutes on the week’s theme followed by a 30 minute Hebrew learning opportunity based on skill and age.
Our school interweaves a variety of learning approaches from art projects and field trips to intergenerational experiences with our elders. We strive to provide opportunities for kinesthetic learning (moving our bodies) and to be outside.
Course tuition: $700-950/student
B’nei Mitzvah Cohort: Homewood + Hybrid / twice monthly on Shabbat 9:30-11:30am
B’nei Mitzvah aged students (11 years old+) participate together in a prep course to access the skills and meaning of the service liturgy and choreography to prepare to craft their own ritual. Alongside this practice, students will develop understanding of the range of Jewish life cycle rituals and how they can amend ancient inherited practices to enhance their contemporary needs. At Hinenu, B’nei Mitzvah students explore justice work within a Jewish framework and collaborate together to design and lead meaningful Mitzvah projects as a central part of their new responsibilities as Jewish “adults.”
This B’nei Mitzvah preparation course guides students on a journey that culminates with their feeling confident in their understanding of Torah, community, and Jewish identity.
Course tuition: $500-800/student
Sex Ed for Teens and Tweens: Location and time TBD
Beit Hinenu offers two age specific Sex Ed courses: for teens (ages 14-18) and for tweens (ages 10-13). Based on the OWL Curriculum, sessions integrate healthy learning with Jewish perspectives. Each course meets weekly for 3-months and will be scheduled based on the availability of those registered.
Course tuition: $200-400/student
Queer Kids Hangout Club: Twice monthly / Homewood Friends and twice monthly from 5-6:30pm
Our queer tweens are searching for places to build community together. With the support of a Hinenu Teen/Tween youth advisor, we are excited to offer a self-contained environment to do so.
Trans, non-binary, queer kids, and allies between the ages of 10-14 are welcome to join this affinity group. Participants will receive wisdom and support from community elders and queer histories of all kinds, even as they gain support to explore other areas of interest as well.
This group is open to non-Hinenu members. Parents of queer tweens will have several opportunities to gather separately while their kiddos convene.
Participation Fee: $150-350/student
Jewish Youth Climate Movement Kvutza: Twice Monthly / Hybrid & Homewood Friends / twice monthly from 5-6:30pm
Our teens have been clear that they want to learn more about Environmental Justice. Following their lead, our Teen Kollel is establishing a Kevutza (group/chapter) of the Jewish Youth Climate Movement (JYCM) in order to build relationships with other Jewish Gen-Zers who similarly care about ensuring that climate justice work is a fundamental part of what it means to be Jewish and part of our community.
JYCM is a national youth-led movement that builds political and community organizing skills and power analyses to support national and locally led climate justice organizing communities. In Kvutza meetings, students also study Torah and Jewish texts to embed our Jewish practices of justice within a framework that connects us back to our ancestors as we envision a better world for the future.
Participation Fee: $100-350/year